Tennessee Wildcat – A Review

About the Book

Book: Tennessee Wildcat: On the Trail of Laura Ingalls Wilders’ Mr. Edwards

Authors: Robynne Elizabeth Miller and J.D. Rushmore

Genre: Nonfiction/Historical Biography/Literary History

Release date: August 24, 2023

Mr. Edwards … that colorful Tennessee Wildcat Laura Ingalls Wilder so deeply loved. He helped Pa build the family’s cabin, saved Christmas by carrying presents across a raging creek, and spit further than Laura thought possible. Though he was a little rough around the edges, Laura simply adored Mr. Edwards. Through her vivid, heartwarming stories, we came to love him, too.

But who was he? Virtually all Laura’s Little House characters were real people … even those whose names were changed to protect their reputations.

Mr. Edwards, however, wasn’t so easy to track down. In fact, he’s the sole Little House enigma … the only mentioned character that hasn’t clearly surfaced via historical records.

Was he fiction, for the sake of illustrating pioneer stereotypes? Was he a composite character, built from several men Laura knew during their time in Kansas? Was he a loose collection of memories and family lore, cobbled together for the sake of the narrative? Or was he a real man, whose full identity had previously evaded discovery?

We wanted to know the answer …

So, we dusted off our boots and headed out … hot on the trail of the wildcat from Tennessee!

Click here to get your copy!


The book “Tenessee Wildcat: On the Trail of Laura Ingall’s Mr. Edwards” was co-authored by Robynne Elizabeth Miller and J.D. Rushmore. The authors worked together to sift through a lot of information, and it’s clear they both have a strong interest in Laura Ingalls and her story of Mr. Edwards.

This was my first time reading a historical nonfiction book of this kind. Although I hadn’t read the “Little House on the Prairie” books, I was familiar with the TV show and was excited to read this book.

I really enjoyed learning more about Laura Ingalls and her family background. The authors did an excellent job researching every detail, especially in uncovering little-known facts about Mr. Edwards. The book is informative and fun to read, and I’m eager to find out the real identity of Mr. Edwards.

I highly recommend adding this book to your to-read list. It’s a captivating read that you’ll want to finish quickly to discover as much as you can about the mystery of Mr. Edwards.

I received a complimentary copy from the author through Celebrate Lit, for my honest opinion.

About the Authors

Robynne Elizabeth Miller holds a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction and Fiction and a B.A. in English Literature. She’s the author of ten books and countless articles, including Tennessee Wildcat, From the Mouth of Ma, and The Three Faces of Nellie.

Along with speaking nationally, Robynne is a writing and publishing coach and mentor, a writing teacher at writers conferences, workshops, and retreats, the Writing Track developer and director for Unbound, and the director of the Vision Christian Writers Conference at Mount Hermon.

She’s passionate about helping writers bring their stories and messages into the world and delving into the real people and places which populated the stories of Laura Ingalls Wilder.

J.D. Rushmore is a history and genealogy buff, with a particular interest in American history before 1900. He’s enamored with the opening of the west, pioneers, the gold rush, the Oregon trail, etc. He’s particularly passionate about researching historical mysteries, especially when they relate to the Little House series of books.

He is a musician in his spare time, as well as an “at everything” father, husband, and friend. He prefers the smell of historic archives to fresh air (unless it involves poking around a remote historic cemetery!) and has a knack for reading handwriting on historical documents that is illegible to others. Nothing thrills him more than finding the one tiny detail that, after being overlooked for decades, or even centuries, changes EVERYTHING.

More from Robynne

If you’re a Little House fan like us, you know how risky it was to delve into Mr. Edwards. Rumors have flown for decades as to his real identity, and some folks have double-downed on who they believe he was … declaring a particular name with certainty.

But it just didn’t add up. Through all our team’s collective Little House research and general love of 1800’s history, the name that had been put forward just didn’t make sense.

So, we had a choice.

We could avert our eyes, go about our other writing projects, and leave this mystery untouched. Or, we could, with as much neutrality and meticulous research as possible, see if Mr. Edwards’ true identity could be established.

We risked two things: upsetting some people if our findings didn’t support their theories, and crushing our own hearts if Mr. Edwards turned out to be the one character who Laura Ingalls Wilder constructed purely from her imagination.

We hope our respect for previous researchers, and the strength of our newly discovered information, helped avoid the first worry. And, the second? We were thrilled to discover Mr. Edwards almost certainly wasn’t a work of fiction!

Blog Stops

Alena Mentink, May 10

Lots of Helpers, May 10

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 11

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 12

Holly’s Book Corner, May 12

Lighthouse Academy Blog, May 13 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 14

Texas Book-aholic, May 15

Mary Hake, May 15

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 16

Blogging With Carol, May 17

Tell Tale Book Reviews, May 18

For Him and My Family, May 19

The Lofty Pages, May 20

Life on Chickadee Lane, May 21

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, May 21

Connie’s History Classroom , May 22

Cover Lover Book Review, May 23

Little Homeschool on the Prairie, May 23


To celebrate her tour, Robynne is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon Card, copy of Tennessee Wildcat and The Three Faces of Nellie, and a goodie bag of Laura Ingalls Wilder related gifts, including a piece of the actual Loftus Store, mentioned prominently in The Long Winter!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Mabel and the Little Green Men – A Review

About the Book

Book: Mabel and the Little Green Men

Author: Susan Kimmel Wright

Genre: Cozy Mystery

Release date: October 5, 2023

The last thing Mabel needed was a flying saucer, not to mention a rash of similar sightings all over town. Her life’s already been upended by getting fired and moving to Grandma’s old house in Medicine Spring. So far, the deceptively sleepy village has delivered several murders—and romance with a handsome private investigator. Are little green men next?

While Mabel tries to get to the bottom of the apparent space invasion, she also gets herself caught between competing candidates for township supervisor. Small-town politics call for more diplomacy than she has—not to mention the ability to duck, run, and hide.

And unfortunately, her UFO investigation only raises more questions. Long-buried secrets surface, all tied to one night in 1958 and another seeming alien attack. But something more troublesome than any Martian invasion is on its way. A film crew descends, bent on producing a documentary on the historic UFO crash. Hordes of tourists follow, all infected with flying saucer fever. When an all-too-human body turns up at the alleged alien gravesite in a local cemetery, Mabel realizes murder is bound to follow her, whether of this world or not.

Click here to get your copy!


Susan Kimmel Wright has written an excellent cozy mystery. This is the third book in the series and it follows Mabel, the main female character. After reading the synopses for the first two books, I was able to get a little bit of what happened, and it seems this book also slightly recaps. So, as far as I can tell, it is not necessary to have read the first two books to understand what is going on in this book and catch the theme of the series, which involves a series of murders and UFO sightings that do not seem to add up.

Mabel is not a young woman, but not necessarily an old woman either. When she loses her job at almost 50, she has to move. She moves to her grandmother’s house as she settles in and tries to figure out what she is going to do with her life now, she is thrust back into the world of mysterious murders and little green men.

Mabel’s boyfriend John, who is a private investigator whom she met in the first book, but did not like initially, is helping her in the story. John and Mabel navigate through figuring out what is really going on in Medicine Springs. They do this while a film crew has come to town to document these supposed UFO sightings.

This book will give you a little bit of almost everything. You will be intrigued, you will see faith in action, and you will see how Mabel must investigate friends. No one ever wants to suspect friends of murder, but in her town, anyone is a suspect.

Overall, “Mabel and the Little Green Men” truly was a cozy mystery. Mabel was very relatable and made readers think a little bit about themselves. The scenes in the book, though fictitious, seemed like they could be real. This is an excellent clean book without overly inappropriate romance and clean language. If you like cozy murder UFO mysteries, well, this is your book.

I received a complimentary copy from the author through Celebrate Lit, for my honest opinion.

About the Author

Susan Kimmel Wright began her life of mystery as a child, with reading. That led to writing kids’ mysteries and eventually to Medicine Spring with Mabel. A longtime member of Mystery Writers of America and Sisters in Crime, Susan’s also a prolific writer of personal experience stories, many for Chicken Soup for the Soul. She shares an 1875 farmhouse in southwestern PA with her husband, several dogs and cats, and an allegedly excessive stockpile of coffee and tea mugs.

More from Susan

It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s a…UFO?

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and seen something you couldn’t explain? What did you—or would you—do? Call a friend? The police department? Post a picture on social media? Or maybe you’d keep it quiet, trying to convince yourself it was a figment of your imagination.

In Mabel & the Little Green Men, I had so much fun giving Mabel a UFO encounter and then seeing where it led her, while more sightings and the arrival of a TV documentary crew turned the small town of Medicine Spring topsy-turvy. Wacky characters and situations kept surprising me too!

My best friend has had UFO encounters—twice. Once, while sitting at her desk studying, she looked out to see a strange light hovering beyond her window. Another time, she spotted a large object in the sky ahead of her while driving home alone from a movie. Alas, though I’ve scanned the skies for years, this has never happened to me!

My friend is far from the only sane person to report seeing a UFO. Every year, hundreds of sightings are reported in the US, including many from police, ministers, military pilots, and others not known for fabrication or flights of fantasy. The term UFO (unidentified flying object), as well as the now-preferred term UAP (unidentified aerial phenomenon), both simply refer to an airborne object that can’t be readily identified. Neither term has anything whatsoever to do with flying saucers or “little green men.”

Most UFOs are eventually explained—some as atmospheric events, deflated balloons, or experimental aircraft. But the mystery fascinates me—especially for the handful that have never been satisfactorily explained.

While I’ve never personally seen a UFO, many people in my area reported the 1965 crash of the Kecksburg “space acorn,” an event now celebrated with an annual festival benefiting the fire department. Do you have a UFO story in your town?

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 17

Stories By Gina, May 18 (Author Interview)

The Lofty Pages, May 18

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 19

Texas Book-aholic, May 20

Tell Tale Book Reviews, May 21 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 22

Blogging With Carol, May 23

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, May 24

Vicky Sluiter, May 25 (Author Interview)

Pause for Tales, May 25

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 26

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 27

Lily’s Corner, May 28

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, May 29 (Author Interview)

For Him and My Family, May 30


To celebrate her tour, Susan is giving away the grand prize package of $50 Amazon gift card and a signed copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Scandals and Mercies – A Review

About the Book

Book: Scandals and Mercies

Author: Kathleen Rouser

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release Date: April 23, 2024

He’s a reporter determined to uncover the truth, but the secrets he finds could crush her family—and their second chance at love.

Taken from her family’s farm to be raised by her wealthy aunt and uncle, Nora Armstrong has accepted that not only will she never realize her dream of becoming a teacher, she’d also rather be a spinster than submit to her cruel aunt’s society selection of a suitable husband. The one man who caught her eye betrayed her best friend. And she’s got enough on her hands, hiding her sister’s shameful secret from her aunt.

When the local home for unwed mothers burns down, the arson investigation brings big-city reporter James Cooper back to Stone Creek—and back into Nora’s life. James also has a meddling aunt who raises more questions than she answers about his past. Not to mention, he can’t figure out why Nora constantly rebuffs him. When his reporting casts aspersions on the local church and lays the blame for the fire and a series of robberies at the wrong feet, he risks losing his new position at the paper.

As they seek to unravel the town’s mystery, rescue endangered mothers and children, and navigate their own family secrets forced to light, James and Nora increasingly turn to each other for help. But can they overcome James’s lack of faith and the disapproval of Nora’s guardians to find a second chance at love?

Click here to get your copy!


Kathleen Rouser has written a great Christian historical romance called “Secrets and Wishes”. Although I hadn’t read the first book in the series, it didn’t lessen my enjoyment of the story. However, if you read the first two books prior to this one, you will understand the town’s backstory better.

The book tackles some challenging themes, such as addiction and abuse, but Rouser handles them with grace and sensitivity. It seems she wants to bring these issues to light so that Christians can discuss them more openly.

The story revolves around Nora, a Christian woman who wants to be a school teacher, and James, a reporter who left town and returns to cover a fire story. Although Nora finds James arrogant and not a man of faith as she is, James starts to question his beliefs as the story progresses.

Overall, the book is engaging, and the characters are lovable. The theme of our identity in Christ is worth reflecting on in our own lives as we watch Nora and then James wrestle with this.

I received a complimentary copy from the author through Celebrate Lit, for my opinion is honest.

About the Author

Kathleen Rouser is a multi-published, award-winning author of historical and contemporary Christian romance. She is a longtime member of American Christian Fiction Writers and a member of Faith, Hope and Love Christian Writers. She resides in southeast Michigan, a location which she often uses in her novels, with her hero and husband of forty-some years and two sweet cats who found a home in their empty nest.

More from Kathleen

Writing Scandals and Mercies: A Personal Spiritual Journey

By Kathleen Rouser

Scandals and Mercies has been my hardest story to write thus far. It seems that as I work through issues in my life it may come out in my characters. And I can relate to Nora Armstrong, my heroine. I can understand some of her struggles, her tender heart toward the Coping children, and figuring out who she is in Jesus. The challenges I had in writing this book are reflected in the theme which came through as I wrote it—identity in Christ. Then I became more purposeful in exploring the theme. Nora felt alone and had doubts at the beginning, but then she learned what it meant for her to trust in God despite her difficulties.

Though I’d been a believer for nearly forty years when I began writing Scandals and Mercies, I was—and still am—going through some difficult trials that forced me to really think about what my identity in Christ is. Who am I in Him? Will I depend on Jesus through one of the worst trials of my life? Or will I become bitter? I think of when Jesus said some hard things and many of His disciples deserted Him. He said to the twelve, “Do you also want to go away?” And Peter said, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

Jesus is truly the only One who has the answers, the words of eternal life. Where else would I turn? And when He doesn’t directly answer, especially the way I want, it’s for me to trust in Him.

And it’s also about sharing in the fellowship of His sufferings, not that we can add anything to our salvation, but that trials and suffering are a part of the Christian life, meant to mold us and grow us in our faith. And if we allow it, to be changed more closely into the someone who projects the image of Christ to others. My husband likes to say we are “Jesus with skin on” for each other.

Working through all of that while writing how Nora grew in her faith took a lot of emotional energy, but God strengthened me and I finished her story, while He is still writing mine!

Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 7

Texas Book-aholic, May 8

Life on Chickadee Lane, May 9

Lighthouse Academy Blog, May 9 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Betti Mace, May 10

Devoted To Hope, May 10

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 11

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 12

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 13

lakesidelivingsite, May 14

For Him and My Family, May 15

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, May 16 (Author Interview)

The Lofty Pages, May 16

Book Looks by Lisa, May 17

Connie’s History Classroom, May 18

Holly’s Book Corner, May 19

Pause for Tales, May 20


To celebrate her tour, Kathleen is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Shoot at the Sunset – A Review

About the Book

Book: Shoot at the Sunset

Author: Kathleen Denly

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release Date: April 9, 2024

Will love survive when truth takes aim at their secrets?

Sharpshooter Preston Baker has spent a lifetime confronting danger head-on. So when a heartfelt letter arrives from his big sister asking for help, he doesn’t hesitate to put his traveling show career on hold and journey to her remote desert ranch, determined to make amends for past failures. What he doesn’t expect is to discover his long-lost little sister and her best friend, Lucy, are both hard at work on the ranch.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Lucy Arlidge’s decision to travel to a remote desert ranch was born as much from desperation as friendship. Fleeing San Francisco may have saved Lucy’s life, but the decision left others in danger. To thwart the evil plans of those who pursue her and her family, Lucy must keep her new gem-mining operation concealed and her secrets safe.

Preston is drawn to the mysterious woman, despite her plans to marry the neighboring rancher. Lucy’s quiet strength and undeniable beauty beckon him like a campfire in the wilderness, offering light amidst the dark memories and deepest fears resurrected by the presence of his sisters. But as danger closes in, Preston and Lucy must confront their pasts to save not only their own futures, but the lives of everyone they love.

Click here to get your copy!


“Shoot at the Sunset” by Kathleen Denly is a remarkable example of Christian historical fiction. While it is a part of the Chaparral Hearts series, it can also be read as a standalone book. The story is set in California’s west during the 1870s, and the author has created a picturesque landscape that is easy to imagine. Denly has done extensive research into the time and area, which has paid off in the book’s descriptions. Lucy is the main female character in the book, and she has had a difficult life trying to get her mother to quit opium and leave a brothel. Her mother keeps promising to change, but the day never comes. When an event puts her life in danger, Lucy flees San Francisco to save herself, and she discovers something sinister. She leaves to try to protect those she loves, but it is a difficult decision as she has left so much behind. Her strong faith in Jesus keeps her going, and it reminds readers that even in difficult times, God is always with us, and His ways are higher than ours.

Preston is the main male character in the book, and he knows of God but does not have a relationship with Him. When he receives a letter from his sister asking for help, he goes to the remote ranch where she is working. There is much trauma that he has gone through in his life as well. It is here that he meets Lucy, and they begin to develop a relationship while dealing with serious issues.

Denly discusses some challenging topics in the book, such as rape and PTSD, but she does so in a sensitive and graceful way. If readers have difficulty reading about these topics, it is important to note that they are present in the book. However, the author has handled them excellently.

Overall, “Shoot at the Sunset” is an excellent book that talks about important issues that need to be discussed more. The story reminds readers that it is better to bring things into the light of Jesus rather than keeping secrets to protect the ones we love. The book is a must-read and is gracefully done.

I received a complimentary copy from the author through Celebrate Lit, for my honest opinion.

About the Author

Kathleen Denly lives in sunny California with her loving husband, four young children, two dogs, and ten cats. As a member of the adoption and foster community, children in need are a cause dear to her heart and she finds they make frequent appearances in her stories. When she isn’t writing, researching, or caring for children, Kathleen spends her time reading, visiting historical sites, hiking, and crafting.

More from Kathleen

One of the primary themes of Shoot at the Sunset is secrets and the fears that sometimes drive us to keep them. Did I mention there’s even a secret signal used in the book? So today I thought it would be fun to play with a secret code. Using the key provided below, see if you can reveal the hidden message.

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 11

For Him and My Family, May 11

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 12

Texas Book-aholic, May 13

The Lofty Pages, May 13

Lakesidelivingsite, May 14

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 15

Blossoms and Blessings, May 15

Alena Mentink, May 16

Devoted To Hope, May 17

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, May 17

Karen Baney Reviews, May 18

Melissa’s Bookshelf, May 18

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 19

Connie’s History Classroom, May 19

Bizwings Book Blog, May 20

Book Looks by Lisa, May 21

Holly’s Book Corner, May 21

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 22

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, May 23 (Author Interview)

Books You Can Feel Good About, May 23

Pause for Tales, May 24

Cover Lover Book Review, May 24


To celebrate her tour, Kathleen is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


A Spring at the Greenbrier – A Review

About the Book

Book: A Spring at the Greenbrier

Author: Sandra Merville Hart

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release Date: April 30, 2024

Marilla will sacrifice anything for her family. So when her sister’s doctor suggests daily sulphur spring baths, an amenity her family could never afford, Marilla takes a job at The Greenbrier resort bathhouse in order to give her sister the care she needs. When her sister befriends another girl staying at the resort with a similar health condition, Marilla finds herself crossing paths with the girl’s handsome, charming, older brother. And despite their growing attraction to each other, courting Wes must remain a dream. After all, resort staff cannot court guests and Marilla will not risk her sister’s health for her own happiness.

Wealthy resort guest, Wes Bakersfield, has dreams for a future and plans to make his family’s business his own. And while he finds himself drawn to Marilla, despite their differing social classes, he can’t help but wonder if she is really interested in him, or in his wealth.

Can the couple find the trust to help their love succeed, or will their differences pull them apart?

Click here to get your copy!


Sandra Merville’s book, A Spring at the Greenbriar, is a touching tale set in the Gilded Age, known for its elegance and grandeur. This book is filled with faith and godly values, reminding readers of the value of godliness, which is important not only in the present but also in the age to come; eternity.

The story revolves around Marilla, the female protagonist, who is a beacon of selflessness. Her sister is diagnosed with polio, and her mother is trying to find a cure for her. When the doctor suggests taking her sister to the hot springs at Greenbriar, Marilla, despite her family’s financial constraints, springs into action. The springs have just reopened, and Marilla has faith that her sister can be healed, and she will do anything to make that miracle come true. She naturally gets a job there and she is allowed to take her sister in the springs at the end of her day. This is a great sacrifice since she is very tired at the end of her long days, but she does not mind if it will help her sister to get well.

Wes, the male protagonist, is the son of a wealthy man, but he does not get the recognition he deserves from his father. His sister has an infirmity similar to Marilla’s sister, and he is also at the resort, hoping for her relief.

Marilla and Wes cross paths because their sisters become friends while at the resort. Marilla finds Wes handsome, but she knows that fraternizing with him would cause her to lose her job and her sister to lose her chance for comfort and healing. She is torn between her desire to find a man who will care for her and making sure her sister is taken care of. This may be her one chance, but it is also her one big temptation to put herself first.

Overall, this was an excellent book set in a time of luxury and glamour, except for the poor, which is still true for many today. Marilla and her mother’s faith brings hope to the reader, and this book evokes a range of emotions, from joy to sadness. In my opinion, this book is an excellent read for anyone who likes historical Christian faith-based romance.

I received a complimentary copy from the author through Celebrate Lit, for my honest opinion.

About the Author

Sandra Merville Hart, award-winning and Amazon bestselling author of inspirational historical romances, loves to discover little-known yet fascinating facts from American history to include in her stories. Her desire is to transport her readers back in time. She is also a blogger, speaker, and conference teacher.

More from Sandra

In A Spring at The Greenbrier, Book 7 in Romance at the Gilded Age Resorts Series, Marilla, our heroine, is as desperate as her mother to find healing for her younger sister’s polio. When the doctor recommends daily bathing in the sulphur springs, her family cannot afford the cost. Marilla transfers to the bath wing at The Greenbrier where her new boss allows her to bring her sister at the end of each day after the guests have finished their bathing sessions. It makes for a long day yet the sacrifice is worth her exhaustion if the springs can help her ten-year-old sister.

The Greenbrier, a beautiful and elegant resort in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, first received its fame from healthy benefits of drinking the sulphur springs and bathing in its waters.

Both the hero and heroine in A Spring at The Greenbrier have younger sisters who can benefit from heated spring baths.

The bulk of my research for this story was for the springs and what illnesses benefit from them. I had to discover the illnesses for which doctors recommended the baths historically.

Soothing soaks in hot springs are recommended even today. They can boost blood circulation, reduce pain, improve skin conditions, reduce stress, decrease inflammation in joints, and detoxify the body.

Most resort guests in the early days drank tumblers of the water before each meal. A resort doctor in the 1800s cautioned taking a maximum of 12 glasses daily. Health benefits for the bowels, liver, kidneys, and skin most often appeared between three to six weeks. The resort began to sell it in bottles at drug stores. It was labelled as A Natural Laxative.

Major renovations were done by new owners for a grand reopening in September of 1913. Marilla, our heroine, begins working at the Women’s Department of the new bath wing. Female guests enjoyed heated sulphur spring baths in bathing rooms. Doctors sent their wealthy patients to the springs with a recommended regimen of bathing that might also include drinking the spring water. The temperature of the water, the frequency, and the length of the baths were set by their doctor.

Folks suffering from a variety of ailments sought benefits from the spring waters, including gout, rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, dyspepsia, jaundice, scurvy, hay fever, malaria, bronchitis, asthma, and chronic diseases of the skin, stomach, bowels, and liver.

Mineral waters can harm people with aneurisms in the heart and large arteries, cancer, tubercular consumption, and some brain complaints.

The springs were of great benefit for folks suffering from chronic complaints. These benefits happened so gradually that patients started to feel better “without being able to account for it.”

So there were a lot of conditions to choose from for my two ailing girls in my story.

A Spring at The Greenbrier is a nostalgic story set in 1914. I invite you to read the whole series!

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 1

Book Looks by Lisa, May 1

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 2

Devoted To Hope, May 3

Texas Book-aholic, May 3

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 4

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 5

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 5

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, May 6 (Author Interview)

She Lives To Read, May 7

Books You Can Feel Good About, May 7

Blogging With Carol, May 8

Simple Harvest Reads, May 9 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

For him and My Family, May 9

Blossoms and Blessings, May 10

The Lofty Pages, May 11

Bizwings Book Blog, May 11

Connie’s History Classroom, May 12

Holly’s Book Corner, May 13

Pause for Tales, May 13

Life on Chickadee Lane, May 14

Cover Lover Book Review, May 14


To celebrate her tour, Sandra is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


A Storm of Doubts – A Review

About the Book

Book: A Storm of Doubts

Author: JPC Allen

Genre: YA cozy mystery

Release date: March 1, 2024

Her dad said nothing could hurt their relationship. But what if he isn’t her dad?

Summer gets off to a rocky start for twenty-year-old Rae Riley when the ex-wife of family friend Jason Carlisle claims their youngest child isn’t his and Rae’s con man uncle Troy returns to Marlin County, Ohio. Rae is already at odds with her father, Sheriff Walter “Mal” Malinowski, over her desire to help people in trouble. When she extends that help to Troy and Jason’s ex-wife, Ashley, she and Mal clash even more.

Then Ashley disappears, and Jason and his brother Rick are the main suspects. As Rae and her aunt Carrie, a private investigator hired to protect Jason’s kids, work to discover what really happened to Ashley, Rae wrestles with Troy’s insinuations that she may be calling the wrong Malinowski “Dad.”

Click here to get your copy!


“A Storm of Doubts” is the second book featuring Rae Riley as the main character. Although the books don’t explicitly state that they are part of a series, they follow Rae’s story, so they can be considered as such.

While I haven’t read the first book, I found this one to be really great and enjoyable. In this book, Rae, who carried over from the first book is still playing an amateur detective, is trying to solve the mystery of her father’s truly being her father after accusations from her con man uncle suggest otherwise. She is also trying to uncover the truth behind the disappearance of Ashley, the ex-wife of a family friend.

The book features Christian faith themes throughout, which I appreciated. In the face of attempts to tear the family apart, their faith serves as a strong foundation that keeps them together.

JPC Allen’s writing is clear and distinct. I particularly enjoyed the ending of the book, which she crafted with great skill.

I received a complimentary copy from the author through Celebrate Lit, for my honest opinion.

About the Author

JPC Allen started her writing career in second grade with an homage to Scooby Doo. She’s been tracking down mysteries ever since. Her Christmas mystery “A Rose from the Ashes” was the first Rae Riley mystery and a Selah-finalist at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference in 2020. Her first Rae Riley novel, A Shadow on the Snow, released in 2021. Online, she offer tips and prompts to ignite the creative spark in every kind of writer. She also leads workshops for tweens, teens and adults, encouraging them to discover the adventure of writing. Coming from a long line of Mountaineers, she’s a life-long Buckeye.

More form JPC

Readers Deserve a Reward

I may be unusual, or just plain weird, but thinking of my ending first is the common way I approach a new story. It seems to help me to know my destination before I set out on the adventure of writing a story. I can take any number of routes to reach my destination and wandering around and exploring detours is a lot of the fun of writing. But by keeping my destination in mind, I don’t get lost. Or at least, not easily.

The other thing I keep in mind about my ending is that it’s a reward for the reader. I’m relatively new to publishing and not well known. So when readers take a chance on one of my stories, I believe it’s my job to reward their risk with an atypical, satisfying ending. Now I do work hard to make the whole story satisfying with things like an attention-grabbing opening and tension-building scenes. But endings, I think, are special to readers. This is the part that lingers in their minds when they close the book–whether it’s a sense of satisfaction, like the pleased feeling you have after a delicious meal, or anger or exasperation because the ending let them down.

I work to make all parts of the ending satisfying–the climax, denouement or wrap-up, and the last lines. For the climax, readers of my mysteries deserve more thant just the good guys solving the puzzle and catching the bad guy. I plan an action-packed, suspenseful climax that has readers living the final confrontation with the main character and it resolves itself in a way that, I hope, surprises readers.

Denouements are so critical to mysteries, when the detective explains how he solved the case. But they can also be deadly dull because the explanation needs to be thorough to meet the expectations of mystery fans. So in A Storm of Doubts, I split up the explanation–a lot of it is revealed during the climax, so I don’t bore readers by piling up a discussion of the solution in one chapter.

The final scene and last lines are areas I spend a good deal of thought on. Even if this scene was my inspiration for the entire story, how it plays in my head and how it plays on the page are two very different things. I also think the last scene and lines have a certain rhythm to them, like the final bars of a song. My job is make the scene round off the story without staying too long in it.

So when you read A Storm of Doubts, I’d love to know what you think of the ending. Because you do deserve a reward.

Blog Stops

Stories By Gina, May 4 (Author Interview)

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, May 5

Artistic Nobody, May 6 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 7

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, May 8 (Author Interview)

The Lofty Pages, May 8

Beauty in the Binding, May 9 (Author Interview)

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, May 10

Guild Master, May 11 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 12

A Reader’s Brain , May 13 (Author Interview)

For Him and My Family, May 13

Texas Book-aholic, May 14

For the Love of Literature, May 15 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 16

Vicky Sluiter, May 17 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, JPC is giving away the grand prize package of all four books in the Rae Riley mystery series, a $25 Amazon gift card, and an Ohio tumbler with lid filled with buckeye candies!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


The Chaos Grid – A Review

About the Book

Book: The Chaos Grid

Author: Lyndsey Lewellen

Genre: YA Science Fiction

Release Date: April 9, 2024

Cross the grid. Survive the storms. Let your destiny burn.

When mankind’s attempts to control nature backfire, Texas descends into a wasteland. Storms rage and ravenous beasts roam the Outer Grid. The only safe havens rest inside the tech-obsessed domed cities. But when her parents are murdered inside the Plex City dome, seventeen-year-old Juniper Conway wants revenge.

Ties to her extended family threaten to pull her back as she runs from city to city. The Plex is endangering its citizens by legalizing a deadly nano drug, and Juniper’s family needs her help to deliver the counteragent. Saving the city who orphaned her goes against everything she stands for. The only way out is to brave the wasteland.

Juniper joins a shipping crew fearless enough to transport food across the Outer Grid. But when a string of bad luck turns lethal, she fears something, or someone, is dragging her back to the Plex. As her world sinks into chaos, Juniper must decide if revenge is worth the lives of the crew she has come to love.

Click here to get your copy!


“The Chaos Grid” is a thrilling sci-fi, dystopian, post-apocalyptic adventure written by Lyndsey Lewellen. The book starts off a bit slow, but quickly picks up pace and keeps you engaged throughout the story. The author has built a vivid and immersive world that comes alive with every scene.

The female protagonist of the story is Juniper, but she is known as Juna for short. She lives in one of the domes that protect people from the harsh environment outside, which is failing due to environmental degradation. Juna’s parents are in the Plex, the dome where she resided before moving around. She wants nothing to do with the Plex or its leaders, but later in the book, she is swallowed by a creature, which reminds readers of the biblical story of Jonah and the big fish. Just like Jonah, she hears God calling her to return and help the people of the Plex, who are being threatened by their leaders.

Dax is the main male character, and he is a mystery to Juna and the reader for much of the book. She suspects that he has tech inside him, but he denies it when she joins his shipper outfit. However, he later reveals whether he has tech or not, leaving it up to the reader to figure it out.

 Juna and Dax have many adventures together, mostly shipping, but they get caught up in a sting operation, and Juna begins to see Dax in a new light. She starts to feel an unfamiliar attraction to him, which seems to be mutual. However, there are no physical romantic scenes in the book.

If you enjoy post-apocalyptic dystopian and sci-fi stories, you will love “The Chaos Grid.” The author has created a complete and immersive world that is worth exploring. The book leaves room for a possible sequel, but it is not definitive.”

I received a complimentary copy from the author through Celebrate Lit, for my honest opinion.

About the Author

Lyndsey Lewellen grew up on a healthy dose of comic books, punk music, and sci-fi. She infuses all three loves into novels written for young adults. Inside her “what if” worlds, her characters take risks, grow, and fight for what matters. When she’s not writing or whittling down her endless TBR, she designs novel covers and paints on shoes. She lives on a small Texas farm with her best friend/husband, five children, and what some might call a zoo of animals (especially after meeting the peacocks).

More from Lyndsey

“‘I will not,’ he answered, but later he changed his mind and went.” – Matthew 21:29

No. It’s a word I’ve heard many times over in my early days of parenting five children. In fact, after mama and dadano was one of their earliest exercises of the English language. My eldest son held the word on the tip of his tongue like a cowboy during a high-noon showdown. Clean your room. No. Do your homework. No. Say you’re sorry. No. My children’s fondness of the word no is not a fluke, they come by it honestly. When something seems too difficult or overwhelming, I let loose the word no without giving it a second thought. At least in my heart I do. Yet, these days, I find myself saying yes while the no lingers on. Which, unless I actually do it, I’m sure is worse.

I think it is easier to follow a no with a yes when you can clearly see your wants are wrong. But what if the no seems justified? Then what?

In The Chaos Grid, Juniper Conway runs into this problem. Growing up in a domed city with all the comforts of weather regulation and short distance teleportation, on the surface, Juniper seems to want for nothing. Nothing except revenge. After her parents are murdered in the city that was supposed to keep her safe from the wasteland outside, she vows never to lift a finger of help for anyone under the Plex City dome.

Her plan goes well at first, bouncing from domed city to domed city, never returning to the Plex. But one day, she is plagued with visions calling her to either help those who took away her family or watch Plex City burn to the ground. Deep emotional wounds cloud Juniper’s judgement.  She could never rescue people who caused her such trauma. So, out comes the no.

Only, to say no, Juniper chooses a path through the dangerous Texas wasteland, known as the Outer Grid, filled with mutated beasts, wild storms, and vicious nano drug smugglers. Her only hope of survival rests in the shippers, truck drivers who deliver natural food from the protected farms to the domed cities. But becoming a shipper carries its own costs. Unfortunate events rain down on her as she crosses the Outer Grid, spilling over onto the crew. Eventually, she can no longer write the chaos off as bad luck and must face what it really is—discipline.

It’s in those realizations that we come to a crossroads. When we know our parents, bosses, or especially God disciplines us for what we do wrong, do we change course? It’s a humbling action, I know, specifically when you feel so strongly that you were in the right. But we humans don’t live in a vacuum. The actions we choose today tend to splash consequences onto others, whether good or bad. When that happens, it may cause us to look at ourselves with more of a critical eye. Am I being refined during this difficult time? Or is there a no I’ve said when I should’ve said yes?

For this reason, I believe the Psalmist writes, “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” – Psalm 139: 23-24

As far as my children go, I’ve noticed wonderful changes as they grow. My son, for instance, now in high school, still answers my instructions with no at times. But more and more, he stops, assesses the situation, and comes back with a yes, doing what was asked over simply telling me he’d do it. And while I’d like to say his corrective behavior is due to my parenting skills, I know it comes from the Holy Spirit urging him to follow the commands God set up in the beginning. But I think it also comes from watching those in his church community do the same. When we do what we should do, others see it. The practice of doing God’s will over simply saying you’ll do it, whether anyone sees you do it or not, can greatly change our culture. Because God sees it. And His discipline is loving.

Sometimes it takes a good smack upside the head for us to recognize His loving discipline. For Juniper, a wild ride through the post-apocalyptic wasteland might just do the trick. I hope you will follow her down a road of twists, turns, and the journey to do what’s right when every fiber of you being tells you not to.

Buckle up and relish the drive,


Blog Stops

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, April 30

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, May 1

Simple Harvest Reads, May 2 (Author Interview)

Exploring The Written Word, May 2

Through the Fire Blogs, May 3 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, May 4

Artistic Nobody, May 5 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 6

Splashes of Joy, May 7 (Author Interview)

The Lofty Pages, May 7

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 8

Tell Tale Book Reviews, May 9

Wishful Endings, May 10

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, May 11 (Author Interview)

Blogging With Carol, May 12

Guild Master, May 13 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Lyndsey is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and hardcover copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


The Sleuth of Blackfriars Lane – A Review

About the Book

Book: The Sleuth of Blackfriars Lane

Author: Michelle Griep

Genre: Historical Christian Fiction

Release Date: April, 2024

Wife. Mother. Homemaker. Detective. Kit Forge wears many hats, and if that’s not enough, she’s partnered with her father to open a new detective agency. It’s hard to be all things to all people, but Kit never shies away from the impossible. Despite her hard work and good intentions, some things fall through the cracks.

Namely, her husband.

But Jackson barely notices. He’s too busy putting out his own fires. As the new chief inspector of a busy London station, he must salvage the disaster left behind by the former police chief—an obstacle made all the harder when the superintendent breathes an ultimatum down his neck.

Against her father’s advice, Kit takes on a case involving a missing child, one in which she and Jackson become a little too emotionally involved. . .and end up endangering their own little girl in the process.

Can Kit and Jackson learn that just because they can say yes doesn’t mean they should?

Click here to get your copy!


Michelle Griep has done an excellent job in writing an adventurous historical sleuth thriller. Although not a typical high-paced thriller, it is intriguing and fun to read with a mix of mystery.

Kit is the main protagonist in the story, a tough young lady who grew up mostly on the streets of Victorian London. At the start of the book, she tells us that she used to run around with criminals and other people, but now she has cleaned up her act and is married to a great young man. Together with her father, they are starting a new business.

Kit’s husband is now the chief inspector, but the precinct is in shambles after the old chief’s retirement. This reminds us that as Christians, we should leave a place better than when we started working there. Even though Kit and her husband are believers in Christ, they still struggle a bit with their faith. However, they trust God for the situation they have gotten themselves into with a case they shouldn’t have pursued.

To find out whether this duo of sleuths can figure out what is happening with all the missing children, you will have to read the book. I bet you won’t want to put it down because it’s a great read.

In conclusion, this book is a fast-paced and enjoyable read that takes the reader on unexpected twists. Faith is a significant part of the book, reminding us that none of us are perfect and that sometimes we may turn from God, but He is gracious to forgive us when we repent. If you enjoy detective sleuth books, this is one for you. If not, why not give it a try?

I received a complimentary copy from the author through Celebrate Lit, for my honest opinion.

About the Author

Michelle Griep’s been writing since she first discovered blank wall space and Crayolas. She is the Christy Award-winning author of historical romances: A Tale of Two Hearts, The Captured Bride, The Innkeeper’s Daughter, 12 Days at Bleakly Manor, The Captive Heart, Brentwood’s Ward, A Heart Deceived, and Gallimore, but also leaped the historical fence into the realm of contemporary with the zany romantic mystery Out of the Frying Pan.

More from Michelle

Oh Inspiration…Wherefore Art Thou?

There are several questions I am asked frequently as an author.

“Hey, how much money do you make?”

“Can you help me get my book published?”

“How come it takes you so long to finish a story?”

But probably the most common query is this: what sorts of things inspire you? Now that is a question I can go on and on about! Don’t panic, though. I’ll be brief.

Story ideas come from every place imaginable. I’ve had plot thoughts from watching kids’ movies or even from eavesdropping at a coffee shop (note: beware what you say in public). TV series are also a favorite of mine, so much so that my latest release, The Sleuth of Blackfriars Lane, is loosely based on one of my all-time favorite PBS series.

Have you seen this show? If not, do yourself a favor and ride that pony. If you have, then you know what I’m talking about. Either way, you should know that, the main character, is a detective in Victorian London—a very sassy yet classy lady. And that’s what struck me light a lightning bolt.

This woman is Kit, the heroine in my Blackfriars series, like right there on the big screen.

So, for book III, I decided I’d let ol’ Kit open her own private investigation agency with the help of her father, a recently retired police sergeant. Of course much intrigue and chaos ensues, just like in my all-time favorite PBS series, bringing the Blackfriars series to a satisfying end.

Inspiration honestly comes from anywhere, so next time you’re rubbing elbows with an author, beware. You just might end up as a character in their next book.

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, April 26

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, April 26

Book Looks by Lisa, April 26

Live. Love. Read., April 27

Vicky Sluiter, April 27

She Lives To Read, April 27

Texas Book-aholic, April 28

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, April 28

All-of-a-kind Mom, April 29

Where Faith and Books Meet, April 29

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 30

Sylvan Reads, April 30

Pause for Tales, April 30

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 1

Blogging With Carol, May 1

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 2

For Him and My Family, May 2

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, May 2

Betti Mace, May 3

Wishful Endings, May 3

Bizwings Book Blog, May 4

Daysong Reflections, May 4

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, May 5 (Author Interview)

Kristina Hall, May 5

Tell Tale Book Reviews, May 6

The Lofty Pages, May 6

Cover Lover Book Review, May 7

A Good Book and Cup of Tea, May 7

Blossoms and Blessings, May 7

Holly’s Book Corner, May 8

Back Porch Reads, May 8

Lily’s Corner, May 9

Life of Literature, May 9

Jeanette’s Thoughts, May 9


To celebrate her tour, Michelle is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon e-gift card and a print copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Earning the Mountain Man’s Trust- A Review

About the Book

Book: Earning the Mountain Man’s Trust

Author: Misty M. Beller

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release Date: April 9, 2024

In the wild mountains of the Montana Territory, the Coulter ranch is a place of family, second chances…and a hidden fortune.

Naomi Wyatt has finally given up on the man who once promised to love her for the rest of his life—then disappeared with no way to contact him. She’s now a single mother with a beautiful baby girl to provide for, a daughter whose red hair reminds her daily of the man she gave her heart to. She has to move on though, so when Jonah Coulter asks for her hand in marriage, she knows she would be hard-pressed to find a better husband for herself and father for her sweet daughter. He’s a Coulter, after all, and he’s proven to be a good friend during her darkest hours.

But when her first love rides onto the ranch property saying he’d been searching for her for months, her heart is shredded once again. Before she has time to catch her breath though, a new threat appears on the horizon. This time she has far more at stake than her heart, and only a Divine hand can turn this disaster for their good.

From a USA Today bestselling author comes a mountain family saga filled with a second chance romance, love triangles, hidden treasure, and love that heals wounded hearts.

Click here to get your copy!


I had an amazing adventure reading Earning the Mountain Nan’s Trust by Misty Beller. Misty Beller is a skillful writer and this is the second book of hers that I’ve read. After reading the first one and seeing this one, which is the next in the Mountain Man series, I knew I had to read it. The first book was also really good, so I didn’t want to pass on an opportunity to read another one by Beller.

The book has quite a cast of characters that are intertwined. Naomi is the main female character in the book and she’s waiting for her would-be husband, Eric, who has to attend to his ill father. He initially thought it would only be a few weeks, but when it turned out to be four months and Naomi hears nothing from him, she thinks he has abandoned her.

Eric must take care of his ailing father and he wants to get back to the woman he loves, Naomi. He sends her many letters but hears nothing from her. What is going on?

Jonah is one of the men whose family ranch Naomi is staying on. When Naomi believes that Eric has abandoned her, she must move on. Though she isn’t looking for love, Jonah asks for her hand in marriage and she accepts.

Eric shows up after months of no word from him or so it seems, and Naomi’s emotions betray her. She is still in love with Eric, but now she is engaged to Jonah and Eric has betrayed her, so why would she give him another chance?

Eric is also still in love with Naomi, but he just wants to have a chance to know his daughter and to be there for her. Of course, he would not balk at earning back Naomi.

This book is full of faith and the characters pray often to the One true God, the Almighty. They try to trust in the Lord God and His plan for their lives and situations. The book, which seemed like it was going to be slower-paced, seemed to ramp up the excitement most of the time. It slows down where needed and overall the pace seemed to fit the scenes and transitions. Misty Belller’s book will make you glad you read it and it will not disappoint.

I received a complimentary copy from the author through Celebrate Lit, for my honest opinion.

About the Author

Misty M. Beller is a USA Today bestselling author of romantic mountain stories, set on the 1800s frontier and woven with the truth of God’s love.

Raised on a farm and surrounded by family, Misty developed her love for horses, history, and adventure. These days, her husband and children provide fresh adventure every day, keeping her both grounded and crazy.

Misty’s passion is to create inspiring Christian fiction infused with the grandeur of the mountains, writing historical romance that displays God’s abundant love through the twists and turns in the lives of her characters.

Sharing her stories with readers is a dream come true for Misty. She writes from her country home in South Carolina and escapes to the mountains any chance she gets.

More from Misty

Storytelling vs. Historical Authenticity?

I’ve been a fan of historical fiction for as long as I can remember, all the way back to the Mandie books by Lois Gladys Leppard and the Sadie Rose books by Hilda Stahl. Does anyone remember those series?

When I started thinking about my first novel, there was no doubt it would be a Christian Historical Romance set in the west. By my second book in, I had narrowed my focus to frontier life in the Rockies. My happy place!

It can be challenging to write about a time I haven’t experienced and cultures that don’t exist in the same form anymore. I love reading first-hand accounts to help me bring a particular time period to life. I often visit historic forts and talk with those who have studied the time period and setting in greater depth.

Three years ago, My family and I set out on a 28-day epic road trip to tour many of the state and national parks across the country. We spent about half of our time in Wyoming and Montana, exploring Yellowstone and Glacier, and tour historic and ghost towns. We spent more than one night tent camping in primitive camping!

These experiences definitely make it easy for me to slip into that world as I write. The characters come alive in my mind, and I see the story like a movie in my head. Writing Earning the Mountain Man’s Trust was especially fun to write, as we return to the Coulter Ranch. I fell in love with not just Naomi and Eric, but also sweet little Mary Ellen, their one-year-old daughter who Eric meets for the first time in this book.

I pray the story comes to life for readers as much as it has for me! J



Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions , April 23

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, April 23

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 24

Pause for Tales, April 24

Madi’s Musings, April 25

Alena Mentink, April 25

Devoted To Hope, April 26

Texas Book-aholic, April 26

Lighthouse Academy Blog, April 27 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Locks, Hooks and Books, April 27

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, April 28

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, April 28

Where Crisis & Christ Collide, April 29

Wishful Endings, April 29

Life on Chickadee Lane, April 30

lakesidelivingsite, April 30

Cover Lover Book Review, April 30

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, May 1 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, May 1

Books You Can Feel Good About, May 2

For Him and My Family, May 2

Book Looks by Lisa, May 3

Melissa’s Bookshelf, May 3

Betti Mace, May 4

Jeanette’s Thoughts, May 4

The Lofty Pages, May 5

Holly’s Book Corner, May 5

An Author’s Take, May 6

Blossoms and Blessings, May 6


To celebrate her tour, Misty is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Lion Warrior – A Review

About the Book

Book: Lion Warrior

Author: James R. Hannibal

Genre: YA Fantasy

Release Date: April 23, 2024

The dragon war has breached the barrier.

The forces of the Liberated Land are near to breaking. Without a heavy and rapid shift in the Assembly’s strategy, a dragon invasion will be unstoppable.

Connor and Kara have kept the full knowledge of the Red Dagger’s location secret for almost a year. A chance to destroy Heleyor and end the war is within the Lightraider Order’s grasp. They must now reveal what they know and call for action.

With time running out, Connor, Teegan, and Aaron attempt to recover the dagger, and Kara helps the Airguard train a new corps of soldiers— windfighters—in their own bid to change the war’s tide. Meanwhile, Lee and Zel search for Heleyor’s army of tortured Aladoth. This force, thousands strong, has vanished. They’re heading for a hidden portal, and may emerge at the heart of Keledev at any moment.

Every path that lies before the cadets seems a great risk. The slightest misstep may cost them their lives, their loved ones, and their homeland. But to do nothing means certain failure. To succeed, they must charge ahead into dark uncertainty and trust the Rescuer.

Click here to get your copy!


Lion warrior by James Hannibal is an excellent warrior adventure, absolutely amazing. Hannibal has a unique ability to draw readers into the world of the book, creating vivid and immersive scenes that stay with you long after you’ve finished reading. While the book doesn’t directly reference God, the concept of the Rescuer is present throughout and can be correlated with God. Additionally, prayer and faith are clearly referenced, even if they are not explicitly stated.

I had not read the first two books in the series, so I needed to read the summaries to better understand the story. Although it wasn’t too difficult to pick up on the storyline after reading the summaries, it would have been helpful to have a small recap of the other books at the beginning of the book, perhaps as a preface. Overall, Lion Warrior is a high-stakes adventure packed with excitement.

The main male character, Connor, is a member of the Lightraiders Order, and is trying to save his homeland and his people. He was once a shepherd, and his transformation into a warrior is reminiscent of King David, who was also a shepherd before he was called to lead God’s people. Connor is following the Rescuer and trusting in Him to lead him to a successful mission, despite the many harrowing events he must endure.

Kara Orso is the main female voice in the book and has been on the adventure with Connor for most of the series. She was rescued by Connor when she was in trouble, and in the second book, he tried to protect her. In the third book, Kara is a bit of a warrior herself, but Connor is still trying to keep her safe. Although they are falling in love, they doubt that their relationship will ever work because they are constantly pulled in different directions and sent on missions with different objectives. Despite their differences, they are both working towards the same goal.

Overall, Lion Warrior is an excellent book that is clearly the result of Hannibal’s hard work and dedication. It is a book that conveys faith and hope without being overly preachy, and points readers towards Christ in a subtle and engaging way. If you enjoy adventure stories set in vast lands, then Lion Warrior is a must-read.

I received a complimentary copy from the author through Celebrate Lit, for my honest opinion.

About the Author

As a former fighter pilot, stealth pilot, and tactical deception officer, James R. Hannibal is no stranger to secrets and adventure. He is the award-winning author of thrillers, mysteries, and fantasies for adults and children, and he is the developer of Lightraider Academy games. As a pastor’s kid in Colorado Springs, he guinea-pigged every youth discipleship program of the 1980s, but the one that engaged him and shaped him most as a Christ-follower and Kingdom warrior was DragonRaid, by Dick Wulf—the genesis of the Lightraider world.

More from James

There and Back Again: A Game?

The transition from book to game and back again is no easy thing. I’ve been on a steep learning curve since the day I started writing Wolf Soldier, the first book in the Lightraider Academy trilogy. Lion Warrior is the third.

I should walk back a step. Lightraiders is a game. Did you know that? It began as DragonRaid, a 1980s fantasy adventure game designed for teaching Biblical learning and discipleship. DragonRaid had a huge influence on my Christian walk in my teens. I now have the honor of carrying the concepts designed by the game’s original creator, Dick Wulf, to a new generation through games and stories. Before he went on to be with the Lord, Dick was kind enough to write a foreword for Wolf Soldier.

The task, when it came to me, was monumental: take a highly allegorical game with isolated location details and expand it into a full-realm book series while also building a new version of the game designed for today’s teens and families. By His grace, God placed men and women in my path who came alongside me to help—fellow believers who are creators from the realms of Tolkien, Star Wars, DC Comics, and Disney. Without them, it could not have been done.

We’ve been building the game in the background for three years. At the same time, the books have served as a transition from the old to the new. Lion Warrior completes that transition, and the book and the new Lightraiders Adventure Bible System game for teens will release almost simultaneously.

If you read through the series starting with Wolf Soldier, you may get a feel for this transition. The first book is more allegorical and tightly focused, much like the original DragonRaid game. Fantasy terms used in that story draw from the original game, with only a few new terms introduced. Bear Knight begins to broaden that perspective. It stretches past allegory and introduces several new ideas that you’ll find in the new Lightraiders game. In Lion Warrior, my hope is that you’ll finally have a picture of the fully developed realm from the Liberated Land in the south to the frozen islands in the far north of the Dragon Lands. And that story is fully steeped in the new game with terms and game mechanics slipped in for astute readers to find.

So, we’ve come full circle. DragonRaid became the story world in Wolf Solder. Then, as I and the team God sent to me rebuilt the game for a new generation, new elements found their way into Bear Knight. And now we have Lion Warrior, fully based on the new Lightraiders discipleship game. If you read the full trilogy and check out the game, I hope you’ll see it all growing together.

I do love the idea of game to story or vice versa. Are there other game/story combinations you love?

Blog Stops

Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, April 25

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, April 26

Artistic Nobody, April 27 (Author Interview)

Simple Harvest Reads, April 27 (Guest Review from Mindy)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 28

Texas Book-aholic, April 29

Fiction Book Lover, April 30 (Author Interview)

Where Faith and Books Meet, May 1

Tell Tale Book Reviews, May 2

By the Book, May 3

For the Love of Literature, May 4 (Author Interview)

The Lofty Pages, May 4

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 5

Blogging With Carol, May 6

By The Book, May 7 (Author Interview)

Guild Master, May 8


To celebrate his tour, James is giving away the grand prize package of a signed hardcover copy of the book, three Starlots acrylic gem dice (diamond, sunfire, and ruby), a postcard with character art on the front and a map of Talania on the back, and Amazon $100 gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.
